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Clinician Sign Up Request

Join the IBD Aware clinician community and collaborate seamlessly with your patients

 Reach a group of patients searching for more insight into their IBD Inflammation. 


By signing up, you will gain access to our integrated technology solutions and open up opportunities to work together on clinical studies focused on improving patient care.
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Image displaying the IBD Aware reader and five sensors alongside a penny, illustrating the compact and user-friendly size of our innovative monitoring technology.

Clinican Sign Up

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IBD Aware Use Cases

EnLiSense products are not available for commercial distribution or use in the United States (IBD AWARE is only available under approved clinical study investigational device use conditions).


EnLiSense is a development stage technology company.

Delve deeper into the world of personalized healthcare with our wearable technology, designed to revolutionize the approach to inflammatory bowel disease. Our user-friendly devices go beyond mere symptom tracking, offering a proactive strategy in monitoring ulcerative rectocolitis and providing insights into IBD UC management. Whether you're grappling with the challenges of colitis sickness or seeking to understand the circadian patterns in Crohn's disease, our wearable solutions aim to provide comfort and control. Join us in embracing a future where managing chronic inflammation from ulcerative colitis ulcers to Crohn's disease symptoms is seamless and integrated into daily life.

Learn more about IBD Aware

EnLiSense CCM is at the forefront of innovative health solutions, specializing in non-invasive, continuous monitoring of inflammatory biomarkers critical for managing chronic conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Our advanced wearable technology provides real-time insights into IBD and UC colitis, empowering patients and healthcare professionals with data-driven support.


Explore our site to learn more about how we harness passive sweat monitoring to track ulcerative colitis symptoms and Crohn's disease progression, aiming to improve quality of life and disease management. Stay informed about the latest developments in IBD ulcerative colitis care and Crohn's colitis symptoms management through our cutting-edge research and wearable devices.

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